Every single modern car is built with an engine control unit (ECU) it’s a bit like a brain in that it controls every element of the vehicle how it runs how it handles and how much enjoyment you its owner get out of every journey,
Fine-tuning your vehicles brain
But why remap the ecu if its generated by the manufacturer Sure its reliable and its gone though all sorts of quality control, buts its one size fits all, when a manufacture releases a new vehicle to market its got to cope with a whole host of different environments uses and operating conditions, so the manufacture will release the vehicle with a fairly generic ecu that’s built to cope with unpredictable variables such as sub-standard fuels, irregular servicing, various emission laws and plenty more.
By tuning up individual characteristics of your vehicle in accordance with how you drive I, we’re able to unleash its full potential in a completely safe manner, meaning you get the best out of your vehicle in a way that’s custom made for you,
The benefits of ECU Mapping
As well as improving fuel efficiency and performance a professional remapping service will help to sharpen your vehicles throttle response and widen its power band, this all translates to a far livelier vehicle – one which responds with agility and flexibility, who knows what kind of power is hidden beneath the duty-bound manufactures ECU?